How Do I Set Up the Scorecards? Follow

Setting Up Scorecards in
Step 1: Access Scorecards
- Log in to AutyFi and go to the main dashboard.
- On the left-hand side, find and click on the "Scorecards" section to proceed.
Step 2: Create a New Scorecard
- In the Scorecards section, click the "+ Add New" button.
- You'll be redirected to a new page to create your scorecard.
Step 3: Define Scorecard Parameters
- You have two options: Available Scorecard Template and Custom Scorecard.
- For the Available Scorecard Template, select the template that suits your needs.
- For Custom Scorecard, fill in the following:
- Scorecard Name: What you'll call your scorecard.
- Objective: The metrics it will measure.
- Escalation Level: Importance of each metric.
- Responsible Party: Who will be accountable for achieving targets?
- Ensure all fields are filled out for accuracy.
Step 4: Save and Implement
- Once you've defined all the parameters, click the "Save" button.
- Your new scorecard is now created and ready for use.
Editing or Deleting Scorecards
- To edit or delete scorecards, go back to the Scorecards section in the AutyFi Help Center.
- Select the scorecard you wish to modify and follow the prompts to make changes.
That’s it!
You've successfully set up a scorecard in Use this tool to measure and track performance effectively.
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